Sunday, December 14, 2008

Still the One....

I married the right man. Yes, it's been over 35 years since we tied the knot. I still distinctly remember kneeling down beside my bed one night in March of 1973 and asking Heavenly Father if I should marry this guy I had fallen in love with. Immediately, a feeling of peace settled over me. No need to pursuit it further I hopped into bed. A few Sundays later I sat in church contemplating the same question. I opened my scriptures and read,

"22 Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.
23 Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?"

It was a done deal. He asked, I said, "Yes" and we were married Aug. 2 1973.

For the first quite a few years of marriage I thought we were meant for each other because of the many ways we were alike. We had similar opinions, enjoyed many of the same things and had closely aligned life goals.

Now I know we were meant for each other because of our differences. The time came when it gradually began to dawn on me that really we had many differences. Our time tables run on two separate, quite un-synchronized clocks. Food - he likes it plain and simple and I like new and exotic, or at least a nod to gourmet. He's a saver and I'm not necessarily a spend thrift, but I am an opportunist. If I see it and can think of many good reasons why it would be beneficial to own it, I tend to buy it without remembering the budget. He leads a fairly balanced life and I'm always falling off the deep end of over-the-top. (We won't mention what time I am writing this post as birthday apple pies bake in the oven for tomorrow - wait that would now be today! Note: Original Post written Nov. 29.)

We could go on but needless to say when one has been married for some time the similarities of the newlywed years give way to those aged with time differences.

And that is why I married the right man. Heavenly Father knew better than to put two people together who were just alike. There would be no one to balance out the act, to take up the slack or to temper weaknesses. And we still have similar opinions (much of the time), enjoy similar things, (usually) and have similar life goals. He's still the one after all these years. Lucky me!

Before..... Yikes!~


Hee, hee!


kara said...

Thanks for sharing this! I love both these pictures! I especially love the ruffly cuffed tux. :)

Vonnie said...

I love the picture in the car. Randy's dimples are the best. You two are a great team. And you're right, it does take some time to figure out that you are each part of a whole and that individual differences can compliment the other person's strengths and weaknesses. Two peas in a pod would make for a boring pod. Congratulations!

Kristin said...

Congratulations! I am certainly quite happy you found each other as I was the beneficiary of several fabulous cousins...:-)

Rob said...

Congratulations, 35 years is a long time. bob.

Unknown said...

I love both those pictures. They are amazing.