Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Vote for Nat!

Natalie Hall bathroom design

Natalie is one of the finalist in the Dal Tile ASID student design competition.  The top ten receive a $1000 scholarship.  You can vote once a day for her project through Dec. 18.  Dal Tile ASID Contest/Facebook.  One vote per computer.  Thanks!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Yes! Let's do this...whatever your political persuasion!

We congratulate President Obama on winning a second term as President of the United States.
After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people.
We also commend Governor Romney for engaging at the highest level of our democratic process, which, by its nature, demands so much of those who offer themselves for public service. We wish him and his family every success in their future endeavors.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Our Eternal Life

 My son-in-law, Ben is in the video/graphics business and did this beautiful little video for lds.org. 


Thursday, October 18, 2012

True Love

John A. Widtsoe

 "The full and essential nature of love we may not understand, but there are tests by which it may be recognized.
Love and truth
"Love is always founded in truth . . . Lies and deceit, or any other violation of the moral law, are proofs of love's absence. Love perishes in the midst of untruth . . . Thus, the lover who falsifies to his loved one, or offers her any act contrary to truth, does not really love her.
Love does not injure
"Further, love does not offend or hurt or injure the loved one. By that test any human venture, past and present, may be measured for its real value. Cruelty is as absent from love . . . as truth is from untruth.
Love is a positive force
". . . love is a positive active force. It helps the loved one. If there is need, love tries to supply it. If there is weakness, love supplants it with strength . . . Love that does not help is a faked or transient love.
Love gives
"Good as these tests are, there is a greater one. True love sacrifices for the loved one . . . That is the final test. Christ gave of Himself, gave His life for us, and thereby proclaimed the reality of his love for his mortal brethren and sisters. The mother gives of her own flesh and blood, and jeopardizes her very life, for her child. In family relationships there must be mutual sacrifices among husband, wife, and children, else true love is not there." (Dr. John A. Widtsoe, An Understandable Religion, Ch. 8.)

John Andreas Widtsoe was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from 1921 until his death. Widtsoe was also a noted author, scientist, and academician. Wikipedia
Born: January 31, 1872, Froyen, Norway
Died: November 29, 1952, Salt Lake City

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Humorous Quote for Election Year

Calvin Woodward (AP) in writing about accusatory presidential campaign rhetoric:

"To the left and to the right, people who live in glass houses are throwing stones."   

It made me laugh which is a much needed thing during an election year.  

Friday, October 5, 2012

Apple's Tribute to Steve Jobs

Apple's tribute to Steve Jobs today on the anniversary of his death is sweet and inspiring.  

Monday, September 24, 2012

"It has been said by one that 'we may give without loving, but we cannot love without giving.'"
                                                                                         Joseph F. Smith

Monday, August 27, 2012

This is Beautiful!

Please watch.  It will be a lovely moment in your day.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dancing with the One I Love

Three year olds say the most delightful and unexpected things.  When Carlee  and Nathanael were  dancing with each other  (the bride and groom dance) Towns asked Alena "When do I get to dance with the one I love?"  A three-year old's perspective and use of language is so original and fresh and from the heart.   I was always sad when my children out-grew that innocence of expression.   

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nathanael is a Married Man!

Wed. Aug 1, 2012, Nathanael and Carlee tied the knot at the LDS Mount Timpanogos Temple.  As you can see they were swept away!   The day was perfect!  They make a wonderful couple and compliment each other in many ways.  Welcome to the family Carlee Ann Painter Hall!  Obviously Nathanael loves you and so do we!

Here are a few family photos taken by Caitlin from the event although the official ones are yet to come.

Natalie and her cohorts, the Brothers C.

Kimberly and Caitlin managed to come up with almost twin outfits.

Kimberly and Tenny

Beautiful Carlee!

The Groom is not to bad either.

Tux looks GQ, Nathanael.  

Isabella with Aunt Bethany - twin smiles!

Not quite as tall as Dad, yet.

Mr. M

Great pose Malachi

Another GQ shot 

I think we have the olympics going on here. 

Towns congratulating Nathanael

More Olympics believe it or not.  Some things don't change with age.

Kip and Bethany lookin' good.

Hey, Caitlin.

Cameron - GQ 3.

Ben, you look just beautiful!

Don't cry!  It's OK.

Allysha and camera shy Caleb 


Carlee and Camille in their twirly dresses!

 Carlee lost her shoes.  Mads and Camille 
Carlee you just became an aunt big time!


...and Father-Daughter 


Kiss and make-up...

....after this.

Still going for the gold...

Love the pink tie Cameron.

And the winner is......

You got it Isabella!  Keep hold of that sippy cup.

Pretty cute Towns

Hide and Seek

No - Wait!

Best Cousins!

The Hall Men Expanded

Ex-roomies consult

Lovely couple K & K.

The males wait patiently while pics are being shot.

Serious discussion


Where's Ella?


Camille enjoying herself as a flower girl.

Alena, I think you are out numbered.


The sibling pyramid - or is it a totem pole. 

Lorien & Nat

Alena hangs out with Malachi

Could be twins except for that seven year difference