Thursday, January 15, 2009

It was inevitable....

From the time Nathanael could walk and talk he has bled military. At first is was an obsession with knights in shining armor; then it was the civil war. We explored every possible nook and cranny of World War II. He constructed a 12 ft. trebuchet in the back yard. He made a suit of armor and chain maille. He was Captain Moroni. He took fencing. He led every kid in the neighborhood on "missions" decked out in camo and stealthing through the fields and yards after dark. His first backyard airsoft war brought the police to our residence in response to a call reporting someone in camo sneaking through the bushes with an automatic. Our neighbor Carl kept telling us Nathanael reminded him of General Patton who followed the same course as a kid.

"Am I tall enough yet?"

Nathanael & McKay protecting the neighborhood from enemy invasion. McKay is now a marine headed to Iraq and Nathanael signed with the National Guard and ROTC.

Hunting down the neighborhood stalker.

Will we ever outgrow this?

Nope, doesn't look like it.

1 comment:

Any Girl said...

That picture of McKay and Nith is so funny! Have you given the Vowels a copy of that?