Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sixty Ways....

Paul Simon found 50 ways to lose his lover .... I've got 60 (just the beginning) reasons to keep mine!

Happy Birthday to the man I love...

60 Ways I love my Husband....

1. His smile
2. He's a poet
3. He can really hit a baseball.
4. He gives me back rubs!!
5. He plays classical music during dinner.
6. He loves small towns, esp. one.
7. He's a great (truly) teacher.
8. I love hearing him speak.
9. He fathered my eleven children.
10. " "
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20. He changed their diapers.
21. He is patient.
22. He is on time (unlike myself!)
23. He wants to do what is right.
24. He willingly does his church callings.
25. He is wise.
26. He is balanced and see all sides to issues.
27. He is unfailingly honest.
28. He is not materialistic.
29. He exercises.
30. Which means he is disciplined.
31. I like to hear him laugh (sometimes until he cries!)
32. He makes an effort to eat healthy.
33. I have always liked his hands.
34. He rarely watches TV!!!
35. We sometimes go to the symphony.
36. If his team loses he recovers! (More so the last 15 or 20 years.)
37. He plants our garden every year.
38. He looks good in his work clothes (jeans and plaid shirt)
39. He also looks good in a suit!
40. He owns more ties than I own shoes (perhaps quadruple!!)
41. He wears his clothes into oblivion before he thinks he needs new ones.
42. He puts the weekly schedule on the whiteboard faithfully.
43. He keeps track of our budget.
44. He's an insightful writer.
45. He says prayers with me every day.
46. He has faith.
47. He's not a dandy (or blown 'round by every wind of fashion).
48. He faithfully earns the living for our family day in and day out. (I try hard to faithfully spend it! JK!!!)
49. He takes care of me when I am sick.
50. He's handsome!
51. He saves his lunch money to buy something special rather than take it out of the budget.
52. Sometimes after saving his lunch money he spends it on something for one of his children.
53. He likes to run or take long walks.
54. He has an affinity with nature.
55. I like how he smells when I am close to him.
56. He keeps a few $$ in his pocket each week to give to homeless people.
57. He supports me in the things I want to do.
58. He likes being a grandpa.
59. He smiles with his eyes.
60. He loves Heavenly Father.


Africa's Young Empowement Initiative International said...

i have really liked your experience and i wish we can become friends i have liked your blog and the posts. they are really heart capuring

Red Clover said...

Great post. Dad is deserving of the praise and compliments.