Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Caitlin!

Caitlin turns 15 today and last night we went shopping for her birthday. We had a good time perusing the mall (minus the horrific music in most shops) stopping by here and there to pick up a treat (See's Candy is always on the list - buy one and get your free sample) and looking for the much desired skinny jeans which she wore to school this morning. Yes, that would be the same jeans she looked upon with horror when they first appeared on the racks.

Caitlin is the 10th child born on the 10th day of the 10th month AND she has 10 siblings. I guess that makes her a definite 10! Caitlin is smart and very motivated which is good when you are that far down the line and your parents are becoming a little foggy and forgetful. She is a hard worker, gets straight A's, and is making great progress on the piano (Thank you Alena!). She loves her nieces and nephews and is the texting queen and proud owner of a new cell phone. (Yes, she finally did prevail. She pays for it by teaching piano.) And we can't do a post on Caitlin without mentioning the name David Archuleta.

Caitlin can get things done. She is the family brownie maker and began at the age of three when she wanted brownies and I was busy sewing something. I told her to get out the ingredients and that I would be up in a moment. She went up and down the stairs to ask me about each ingredient one at a time. Then she got out the bowl and asked me how much of each item to put in. She hunted up the measuring spoons and cups and would bring them to me to see which one to use. Believe it or not she made the brownies all on her own, put them in the oven and baked them and they tasted fabulous. (These were brownies from scratch by the way - not a mix!)

Caitlin and I are the only girls at the moment holding down the fort in a household of male majority. We stick together. Caitlin I love you - Happy Birthday!


1 comment:

Any Girl said...

I"ll have to see your new skinny jeans, KK. Love ya!