Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Class of '71

I've been getting Facebook messages from old high school friends.  Our 40th (shock of shocks) reunion is scheduled for sometime this summer and the organizers have started to move and shake.  I haven't seriously thought of this time period for ages.  I pulled out my high school yearbooks tonight for the first time in probably 30 years.  Talk about a bizarre time warp. Forty years just collapsed and disappeared.  I attended high school in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Class of '71.  It was enlightening reading what people wrote in my book.  With some distance I saw some things that maybe were more obscure first time around - or perhaps I had just forgotten them.  In any case, distance  brings new eyes to the situation.  (Note to those of you tempted to throw out your yearbooks.  Don't.  At some point they can provide a bit of therapeutic insight into a time of life most people remember with some degree of angst.)  And they provide great fodder for your children to be amazed and amused on all fronts.


Sybil said...

Love the pic! Your were a babe!

LHall said...

The question is which kind! I think I look rather YOUNG!