My beautiful daughter and her handsome man!
I have seven daughters. They are all very beautiful each in their own way. Kimberly is 5th in the line-up of girls. She's always had a sparkle about her. From the time she was young she could captivate others with her smile. When we would go shopping together I always enjoyed watching young men respond to that charm. She wasn't a flirt but something in her would light up when she smiled and the gentlemen were extra attentive.
Now she has found her special man. They will be getting married next week. I am very happy for her but on the other hand it's hard to let her go. I have found myself of late remembering her as a tiny baby. Even then I sensed her insightful and caring personality. My mind keeps drifting back to when she was just days old and we were both deathly ill with the flu. She slept by me in the bed and even though she was a tiny infant she gave me consolation and comfort. I could feel her mature and wise spirit. I'm going to miss her terribly! This moving on business is very happy/sad.
The other day I went upstairs to put something in her bedroom and found my husband alone in her room sitting on the bed. "Thinking about Kimberly?" I asked him. "Yes," he replied with some emotion in his voice. "Too many daughters have left this room." It's hard to believe that the time is gone when she was just our daughter. Now she will be, first of all, Kevin's wife. She is marrying someone who will love her and care for her. We love you Kimberly.