Bethany was my Israel baby. Meaning, she was born just about 9 months after our 1982 trip to Egypt and Israel. We named her Bethany after the little town outside of Jerusalem where Martha and Mary lived. Here Lazarus was raised from the dead. As you walk the dusty, narrow road from Bethany into Jerusalem you come up over the Mount of Olives and suddenly there before you is all of Jerusalem spread out in magnificent splendor. I felt Bethany's enthusiasm for this new adventure called life even before she was born. I sensed her presence and excitement and eagerness to get the show on the road.
As a baby Bethany smiled and communicated with everyone she came in contact with. I had strangers stop me every time we were out to tell me what a beautiful and friendly baby I had. She was eager to be involved with everyone and to try everything.
Bethany brought a great deal of spiritual maturity with her. When she was about three we were having a family home evening lesson and a question was asked about the purpose of life. Bethany responded with an answer worthy of an adult. Randy and I looked at each other and said, "We haven't taught her that!"
Bethany's gifts are music, writing, people, spirituality, depth of insight and much more. She was married last July. She is 25 today! Happy Birthday Bethany. Thanks for being a part of my life. I love you!