Pretty!Last night I went shopping with Caitlin to buy shoes, jewelry and do-dads for the Preference Dance next weekend. This will be her first date. We had fun shopping together - we always do. We were leaving one of the many adolescent oriented shops in the mall and I stepped aside and waited for a young mother, somewhat awkward, maneuver her stroller past me. I smiled at her and offered some sort of greeting. She apologized for being in my way and then as she passed she looked at me and said "You look really pretty." Quite surprised I thanked her wondering what it was she thought was pretty about me. I certainly didn't feel like the Queen of Sheba at 8:25 on a Sat. night. Caitlin said, "That was weird!" "Actually," I replied, "That was nice of her. It made me feel good." The next mirror we passed (which wasn't longer than a few seconds) I checked to see what she perhaps saw? Was is my lipstick (
ha, ha) or what? Instead of the usually slightly dumpy feeling I have when I go to the mall I felt poised and happy. Somewhere in the mall I had a new unnamed friend .
Just as the mall was closing we were buying a pair of shoes. The clerk was especially pleasant and helpful. I remembered her from shopping in that store last Christmas. She had been very helpful on some difficult returns. "You've worked here for a while." I said to her. "Yes, two years she replied. "You are very pleasant to work with." I told her. "It's enjoyable to shop here because of that." I continued. "I appreciate your helpfulness." I really meant it. She looked surprised and pleased and thanked me several times. There was a bond between us. She was no longer a stranger. I knew the feeling. It was good. I'm sure she will pass it on.
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