What I mean by "light at the end of the tunnel" is that there is a renewing life force unrelentingly at work in the days of our existence. Just as spring time regenerates every year out of winter even when winter seems to be everlasting, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25). The sorrows of the fallen man eventually give way to a pulse of joy. Yesterday we had a belated, whopper snowstorm - the best one of the snow season thus far. (Notice I said thus far!) Leaves had already begun to bud. Some trees were in full blossom and yesterday as I drove around town, trees and limbs were down everywhere. But in spite of this small natural disaster, the sun will return, the trees will leaf out. The jagged, ripped branches will heal over. New growth will spring from those scars and once again things will move forward in the life cycle. Lehi said there needs must be opposition in all things (2 Ne. 2:11) and that includes sorrow, disappointment, heart break among a myriad other human conditions. But if we allow it, life will gradually and gently push joy back into our lives. I believe that is the message of the atonement of Jesus Christ to all of us. There is always hope. There is always something to live for. Winter only reigns for a season. Even if your tunnel has taken unexpected twists and turns and you no longer can see the light, keep going. It is still there.
Home Improvements!
16 years ago
What I like about you is your positive outlook. (It's not the only thing I like.) Just for the sake of juxtaposition, the weather in DC today is idyllic spring warmth with a cheerful sun.
Thanks for this.
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