Today is my 55th birthday. As I have officially entered the ranks of "Senior Citizens" I should have something wise and terribly insightful to say but to tell you the truth I haven't a profound thought in my brain at the moment. This is partially due to the fact that I was up late (very, very late - or should we say "early") having important conversation with some of my favorite people. When I do that, I know I will suffer the consequences the next day, but for me it's always worth it. What is it about late night conversations that seem conducive to being "real" and getting to the crux of subject matter and bonding with others? The midnight hour is often my one-on-one time. Daylight seems fraught with business and schedules and getting stuff done. But there's rarely any agenda at 12:00 (is it am or pm?) midnight and few to no interruptions.
My plan for the day is to be free flowing without any schedule. And by the way, who decided that 55 was the venerable initiation into senior life? I distinctly recall a time when 65 was the magic marker of advancing age and privileges. Not that I'm complaining economically. I did get a nice hefty discount on my rec center pass. But really - I'm still just a kid and maybe it's everyone else who needs the eyeglasses. And actually I sort of feel like I'm cheating asking for those discounts. I didn't even shuffle into the store.
I was born on the astrological cusp - meaning I am neither (or either) Aquarius or Pisces depending on the astrological point of view. When I was a teenager and the 5th Dimension were singing about The Age of Aquairus I embraced Aquairus and felt a little sheepish about my Pisces inheritance. But as I look at the characteristics of both as listed on Wikepedia I really think I'm a Pisces. But if you like you can judge for yourself.
Click below and scroll down to read characteristics of Pisces and Aquarius:
Home Improvements!
16 years ago
Well Mom...I am a pisces too, which might explain a few things. After reading through the characteristics I almost wanted to say that we might not need any more late night talks because...ha ha...all of my problems were clearly diagnosed right there! Laughs.
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday
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